Massaro British Queen
By Richard Eaton
Photos by Steve Line/
There was a throw-away hint as to why the world’s most successful squash player might suffer her most startling defeat in four years, not long before the British Open...
Seven Signals Change for David, Women’s World Open
By Richard Eaton
A few days after Nicol David had extended her record of World Open titles to seven it emerged just how much of a watershed in her career this latest success might be.
From US Squash The Right Thing
By Kevin Klipstein
U.S. Squash recently announced that the prize purse for the 2013 Delaware Investments U.S. Open will provide equal prize money for both the men’s and women’s championships. The purse will be the...
Do Not Go to the Squash Court Starving, and other resolutions for the new...
By Tracy Gates
I hate going to the gym right after new year’s. The spinning bike that the ‘regulars’ know is mine is taken by an ‘irregular’ in spanking new spandex. All the jump ropes...
From US Squash
By Kevin D. Klipstein, President & Chief Executive Officer
Last year around this time I wrote about how impressive the top squash professionals were both on and off the court, and how much they deserved...
Fanning The Flames of Women’s Doubles
By Tracy Gates
I am a Flamingo. Well, I was for a few months this past spring, as a team member on the inaugural women’s hardball doubles league in NYC. Flamingoes are better at fishing...
SPA-tlight: Lauren Doline
Lauren Doline, Squash Professional, Yale Club NYC
How old were you when you first picked up a squash racquet?
I was 12 years old at a clinic with Mark Talbott as an introduction to squash at The...
Women in Squash
By Jennifer Gabler
The best part of being tournament director for the Howe Cup this year was all the people I met through email and then met in person at the event. I got a call a...
SPA-tlight: Kim Clearkin
Squash Magazine, as part of a monthly feature, will talk to a member of the Squash Professionals Affiliate Program (SPA) to get their take on the state of squash in the U.S. Kim Clearkin,...
Rock Me Like a Hurricane: WISPA Sweeps Through Cayman Islands
By James Zug
Photos by Steve Line/
Five years ago, squash in the Caymans was on life support. Hurricane Ivan swept through the Cayman Islands in September 2004. Ivan, lest you forgot Katrina, was one of...