Hybrid Stringing Comes to Squash!
By Steve Crandall
Vice President, Sales & Marketing
Ashaway Racket Strings
Hybrid stringing for squash? In a word, yes. Hybrid stringing is coming to squash. And for very good reasons as we shall see.
First, a bit of background....
Down the Middle Solves the Riddle
By Preston Quick
In tennis doubles, the mantra is: down the middle solves the riddle. In squash doubles, however, it is an uncommon shot. But strategically hitting the ball in the middle of the court,...
Put Me In Coach
by Sheldon Anderson, US Squash Pro Tour 2 Referee
I grew up hearing “It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game.” This seemed pretty straight forward at the time but...
What was I thinking!
by Richard Millman
If you are an enthusiastic squash player, you probably play competitive matches, train, practice and take lessons. That’s a pretty normal diet for a squash enthusiast. Yet you may find that you...
Compounding Time and Pressure
By Richard Millman
In the recent FS Investments U.S. Open at Drexel University, the final between Ali Farag and Mohamed ElShorbagy was spectacular, stylish, extreme, athletic, skilled and strategic. It was instructional on many fronts.
Mindhunter: Profiling Squash’s Top Performers at the U.S. Open
by Eric Zillmer
Director of Athletics and Pacifico Professor of Neuropsychology, Drexel University
The 2019 FS Investments U.S. Open Squash Championships, hosted by Drexel University, showed off the sport at its finest. Great crowds, matches, players...
Doubles: Team Dynamics
By Suzie Pierrepont
Can you simply put two players together and expect a good outcome?
Team dynamics are complicated. We select partners for various reasons—availability, ability and friendship—all of which are great ways to find a...
Official Q&A: Tammer Alnaggary
U.S. Pro Tour Tier 2 referee Tammer Alnaggary spoke with Squash Magazine about becoming a squash referee and his work in the U.S. with junior, college and professional tournaments.
Squash Magazine: How did you get...
Dealing With an Acute Soft-Tissue Injury
AJ Lamb, MS, CSCS, PES supervisor/senior exercise physiologist at Zarett Rehab & Fitness
Joe Zarett, physical therapist and founder of Zarett Rehab & Fitness
It happens to most of us. We feel a pull or a...