Peaking for Performance
By Richard Millman, Director of Squash, Kiawah Island Club
So here we are in late January with Nationals rapidly approaching. Now’s a good time to organize your run in to the event—although if you are...
Everything’s Changing A forty-something goes to a movement squash camp for teens and finds...
By Will Carlin
Photographs by Damon Leedale-Brown
In my June column, I mentioned that I was an idiot. The ostensible reason for my claim was that I had signed up to go to a speed, movement, and...
Off-Season Training
By Anthony Ricketts, PSA No. 6
The season is about to draw to a close. There have been matches won, and lost, and many miles traveled. It is now time to relax and let the...
Spotlight Cross Training
Scaling New Heights
For those who know him, he is a fierce competitor on the squash court—and everywhere else for that matter. But over the past year, he’s been a virtual no-show around the courts at...