Resilience & Grit: Amanda Sobhy

by Bailey Bondy, Sports Psychologist/ What does it really mean to have grit? And where do we, as competitive athletes, improve our grit and resilience? Dr. Angela Duckworth, a pioneer and best-selling author, defines grit as...

Squash-Specific Conditioning

by AJ Lamb, MS, CSCS, PES Supervisor / Senior Exercise Physiologist of Zarett Rehab and Fitness Joe Zarett, Physical Therapist Founder of Zarett Rehab and Fitness As we observe the wide variety of energy requirements seen in sport, we...

The Equation of Squash: Get There to Leave

By Richard Millman The principles of survival in the human race are also the principles of survival for squash. They can be expressed as an equation—a form of algebra. Algebra may not be the most...

Squash Nutrition on the Fly: Strategies to Optimize Nutrition During International Travel

by Nyree Dardarian, Director, Center for Nutrition & Performance, Drexel University During the 2019 Pan American Games in Lima, Peru, my job was to support the U.S. men’s and women’s squash team nutritionally while they...

Reasons to Ref

By Hope Prockop Four years ago, my deep dive into refereeing began. I attended a US Squash coaching course where I met some like-minded squash addicts. We shared ideas and best practices on technique, lesson...

Making Lemonade

By Will Carlin Keith Jarrett was not happy. The legendary American jazz and classical pianist had arrived at the Opera House in Cologne, Germany, late in the afternoon on a dark, wet and cold Friday in...

Squash Doubles Racquets

by Pierre Bastien Hardball doubles is a gem of a sport with an avid fan base throughout North America. It’s incredibly fun and full of interesting variations you don’t see in squash singles. The patterns of...

Play On

by Sheldon Anderson, US Squash Pro Tour 2 Official US Squash is unique in that we require our professional officials to participate as referees at our national and junior events. This helps implement changes we...

Navigating the Mental Game in Squash: Between Game Strategies

Nyree Dardarian, Director, Center for Nutrition & Performance Eric Zillmer, Athletics Director and Professor Drexel University Fitness is the price of admission to competitive squash. But from a nutritional and neuroscience point of view, squash is also...

Reverse It

The reverse corner is the foundational shot in hardball doubles. More points are ended with the reverse than any other short shot. Since it is a rarity in softball singles, many young players have...