90 Seconds With Stephen Coppinger
Squash Magazine: Describe the first time you played squash.
Stephen Coppinger: I can’t remember, no idea. Actually have no idea, but it was probably in my living room using a skating board as a tin...
Ham Biggar Presented Brauns Award
By James Zug
Photos by Ham Biggar
At the eighth-annual Tub o’ Towels Cleveland Classic last month in Cleveland, Ohio, US Squash presented the 2013 W. Stewart Brauns, Jr., Award to Hamilton Fisk Biggar, III. The Brauns...
From US Squash
By Kevin D. Klipstein, President & Chief Executive Officer
Modern photography traces its roots back 1,000 years to an Iraqi inventor who managed to project an outside image on the inside of a tent, upside...
Nutrition Myths: They Will Make You Go Hmmm…
By Candace H. Chemtob, MS, RD, LD, CSSD
Nutrition should be simple. Unfortunately, Americans are bombarded with inaccurate nutrition information from supplement manufacturers to TV personalities. This misinformation creates confusion, and nutrition myths take on...
Hey Ref! An ‘Official’ Q & A
By Barry Faguy
HEY REF! I made a good drop shot (admittedly not a winner) from the T because my opponent’s previous poor shot set me up there—and then my opponent came up against me...
Deceleration—The Art of Slowing Down, Part 3
By Damon Leedale-Brown, Sports Scientist & Conditioning Specialist
In this final article on deceleration we will look at a series of exercises that can be integrated into your training to improve your ability to control...
Your Serve March 2014
Paul Moses’ heart is in the right place, but if he really believes that he can talk about urban squash programs and "...abandon references to prep schools and Ivy League teams..." then he seriously misunderstands the...
SPA-tlight: Mark Allen
Mark Allen, Director of squash at Boar’s Head Sports Club, Coach of UVA squash teams
What is your first squash memory?
Growing up in Colchester, Essex, in England, my first memory of squash is playing with my dad at...