Publishers Note Fanning the Flame
By Jay D. Prince
As a kid growing up with a tennis racquet in my hand, the sport of gymnastics was utterly foreign to me. I was only aware of its existence every fourth year...
From US Squash Value Added
By Kevin Klipstein
Hearing some people talk about U.S. SQUASH, you’d think we fashioned ourselves after 19th century robber barons, rigging the system to extract maximum revenue to pad our accounts, as if we had...
Put Up Your Dukes
By Tracy Gates
I went to see a match the other night. A woman I knew from my gym was making her professional debut and I’d never seen her in action. I had seen her...
2011-12 Doubles Season a Wrap
The 2011-12 Doubles season kicked off with over 30 men’s and women’s teams, representing 15 schools, competing in the Intercollegiate Doubles Championship, held at the Racquet Club of Philadelphia, in conjunction with the 2011...
Tins Go Lower for International Doubles
The World Squash Federation (WSF) has confirmed that for future World Doubles Championships, Commonwealth Games and other major events, the height of the tin used for men’s, women’s and mixed events will be lowered...
Silver and Bronze Championships 2012
Over 280 players traveled to Williamstown (MA) to decide the 2012 U.S Junior Silver Squash Championships, hosted for a third straight year by Williams College. The tournament was held in conjunction with the Berkshire...
Where are all the Women?
By Emily Stieff
Six years ago, the number of women regularly playing squash in NYC was dwindling close to none. There were just four league teams made up of about 25 women compared to 48...
Zyex® String Construction: Hard and Soft Power
Last time in this column we compared the material properties of natural gut, nylon and Zyex®, and how relative factors such as dynamic stiffness, tension holding ability, abrasion resistance, and cost affect string performance...
Putting Water in the Wine!
By Barry Faguy, WSF Referees and Rules Committee
That doesn’t sound like much of a good idea, does it? It’s not a good idea for any restaurant to do that, but when it comes to Squash,...
Movement technique— Forget that old banana!
By Richard Millman, Owner - The Squash Doctor Corporation
This month I am going to talk about movement training. Some traditional methods of training Squash players to move on the court have included the use of...