The Difference Between “Building” and “Forcing”
by Richard Millman
Squash enjoys the patronage of people of all ages, skill levels, genders, nationalities and, to some degree, a broad range of the physical and mental spectrum of human beings.
No matter what group...
Serious Solo
By Richard Millman
The summer is upon us, and now is the time to really get ahead of the competition. Solo practice is one of the least utilized and most valuable training regimes. It is...
Righty Tighty
By Richard Millman
A couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of being present at the final of the Delaware Investments U.S. Open in Philadelphia. Apart from the packed arena, one of the best...
How to Improve: Performance Versus Outcome
by Richard Millman
Whether you are a parent, a coach or a player, chances are you are focused on improvement. If this is the case, I have some simple advice for you. But beware—simple never...
Setting a Personal Squash Development Plan
By Richard Millman
If you are a squash player who wants to challenge yourself, a good idea is to adopt a Personal Squash Development Plan (or PSDP). Before you can establish your plan, there are...
My Grandmother’s Teacups
By Richard Millman
For many years now, I have subscribed to the notion that hitting a squash ball with a squash racquet is only rarely a good idea. The contact between your racquet and the...
The Service Economy
By Richard Millman
SquashTV has become a great educational tool for all of us. Sometimes, however, watching the top professionals in the world can be misleading, owing to their exceptional levels of skill and athleticism....
Stay Connected: Balance & Focus
By Richard Millman
If we are to be successful squash players, the way we carry ourselves as human beings sometimes needs to be countermanded and positively untrained. A certain assumption that most people habitually employ...
By Richard Millman
From our very earliest days, we learn how to navigate our way around the world. As we grow up we are almost unconscious of this extraordinary ability as we make our way...
Begin by Asking Why
by Richard Millman
I started coaching in 1977 at the Hunter Squash Club in Norwich, the capital city of the county of Norfolk in England. I had attended Gresham’s School, a boarding school in Norfolk,...