Playing “Stick” or How to be a “Golden” Retriever

By Richard Millman, Director of Squash, Kiawah Island Club The vast majority of squash players, and I mean just about everybody in the world except maybe a few brilliant professionals, are much more likely to...

Try, Try, And Try Again: What To Do When When Life Gets Complicated

By Rod Symington, WSF Referees and Rules Committee At times squash can be a crazy game. As long as the ball travels up and down the walls or cross-court, life is comparatively simple. But sooner or later,...

Scrambled Eggs

By Richard Millman, Director of Squash, Kiawah Island Club We spend a great deal of our time as squash players attempting to polish and perfect classic, orthodox form, both in terms of stroke production and movement...

Why You Should Use Three Referees: The Future is Here

By Rod Symington, WSF Referees and Rules Committee Over the past 18 months the newly formulated Three Referee System has been employed all over the world, and everywhere it has been received with considerable enthusiasm....


By Richard Millman, Director of Squash, Kiawah Island Club Bordering on the magical, deception is the sexy, spectacular science of our game that so fascinates the crowd and is only second to the awe inspiring...

Forward Thinking Develop a shorter swing to get out of the back corners—and put...

By Richard Millman, Director of Squash, Kiawah Island Club Have you found yourself languishing at the back of the court, gazing at the less than inspiring sight of your opponent’s bony shoulder blades poking insultingly...

The Greatest Myth in Squash

By Rod Symington, WSF Referees and Rules Committee That was the worst decision I have ever seen!” The speaker was a professional player in the Kolkata (India) Open in February, where I was assessing and mentoring...

How to Simplify the Game of Squash A Radical Proposal

By Rod Symington, WSF Referees and Rules Committee I attended the Men’s World Team Championships in Chennai in December 2007, and on Finals Day (England beat Australia for the title), two interesting things happened. In attendance as...

String R&D: Turning Wishes into Winners

By Steve Crandall Vice President, Sales & Marketing Ashaway Racket Strings We got pretty good feedback last year when we did a couple of columns on how to make string. But a number of people wanted more: They...

Peaking for Performance Continued

By Richard Millman, Director of Squash, Kiawah Island Club Technical If you need to make technical changes you need several things on your side: Commitment, expert professional help, and at least ten to twelve weeks of...