SPA-tlight: Jonas Laursen
Jonas Laursen, Madison Squash Workshop Head Professional
Where did you grow up? In a small town called Herlev, just outside Copenhagen, Denmark.
Where did you learn to play squash? We had a rec center that was...
Staying Focused
By Peter Nicol
Whatever the reason for a loss, I always hear, “I lost my focus,” “the referee was to blame,” or some such lament. So, how do you remain focused while your heart rate...
Spice It Up!
By Candace H. Chemtob, MS, RD, LD, CSSD
The right spices can make the difference between a bland dish and something sublime. In the culinary world, spices are the “tools of the trade” that can...
Hey Ref! An ‘Official’ Q&A
By Barry Faguy
HEY REF! I’m now pretty confused hearing different refs calling all kinds of things like “Down”, “Carry”, “Not up”, “Scoop”, “Double, etc—for all kinds of different things, and sometimes for the same...
Keep Eyes on Ball
By Pierre Bastien, Squash Equipment Blogger at
What do your eyes have in common with socks, skis and chopsticks? They work best in pairs.
If you're a squash player, be smart and protect your eyes: wear...
Trends in Stringing II: Tips for Amateurs
By Steve Crandall, Vice President, Sales & Marketing for Ashaway Racquet Strings
In our last column we looked at some stringing habits of the pros. This time, we thought we'd go the other way and...
Bill Simon Awarded President’s Cup
By James Zug
During the NUSEA leadership conference, US Squash’s CEO Kevin Klipstein awarded the President’s Cup to William E. Simon, Jr. for his many decades of dedication, support and leadership in the game.
Bill Simon...
The Luxury to Dream Big
By Reyna Pachecho
A graduate of Access Youth Academy in San Diego, Pachecho gave the keynote address below at the NUSEA gala dinner. She is a junior at Columbia, playing at the top of the...
I Will Never Forget This Evening: NUSEA Celebrates Twenty Years of Urban Squash
By James Zug
In January 2015 the National Urban Squash & Education Association held a gala weekend in New York.
In January 1995, the idea of an after-school youth enrichment program existed only on paper—literally, in...
The Old Masters Are Right: Redemption at the ToC
By James Zug
Redemption is a tricky tiger to ride. You hold match balls in the finals of the world championship. You are just one point away, serving for the match, victory is on your...