Local Call: Warming-Up? Share the Ball

The warm-up is a five-minute period when both players are on court to prepare for the match. According to WSF Rule 3.2: ‘In the warm-up both players must have equal opportunities of striking the...

Hey Ref! An ‘Official’ Q&A

By Barry Faguy HEY REF! I was refereeing a match recently and made a key decision—and quickly realized I had made a mistake. It was not a judgment issue, but about the actual rule. Should...

Hey Ref! An ‘Official’ Q&A

By Barry Faguy Having dealt originally with just about all the all key principles of decision making in treatise form, we carry on by zeroing in on specific questions we’re received over time. HEY REF! I...

Hey Ref! An ‘Official’ Q&A

By Barry Faguy, WSF Referees and Rules Committee HEY REF! My opponent asked for a let because she got hit by my follow-through as she was moving in. I thought that she can't do that...

Hey Ref! An ‘Official’ Q&A

By Barry Faguy, WSF Referees and Rules Committee HEY REF! My opponent often has her father attending her games, and he's always shouting advice to her from the benches. This is really irritating. Can I...

Hey Ref! An ‘Official’ Q&A

By Barry Faguy, WSF Referees and Rules Committee HEY REF!: Often, when there is no real interference, my opponent asks for a let, claiming 'safety'. I figure if I'm not in the way, then he...

Hey Ref! An ‘Official’ Q&A

By Barry Faguy, WSF Referees and Rules Committee HEY REF!: What happens if my opponent often pushes off of me when it's his turn to play the ball? It's distracting and sometimes throws me off...

Will’s World Collaborative Calls

By Will Carlin On a cold, crisp Thursday evening thirty-one years ago, numerous vans started arriving at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts. A light snowfall muffled the town, but most of the vehicles were filled...

Hey Ref! An ‘Official’ Q&A

This is the 2nd part of our 'official' series of questions—many of which have likely come up for you at one time or other. These are necessarily brief, so if you want further clarifications,...