SPA-tlight: Roland Ladontant
Ronald Lafontant, Head Pro at the Harmonie Club in New York
Where did you grow up?
I was born in Manhattan and grew up in Wakefield, northeast section of Bronx, NY.
How did you get involved with squash?
SPA-tlight: Sunny Hunt
Sunny Hunt, Director of Sunny Squash Miami (FL), Coach of University of Miami Squash Team
Sunny Hunt is a former top PSA player and has won numerous titles including the Australian Championship. He runs a...
SPA-tlight: Mick Joint
Mick Joint, Head Pro at the Detroit Athletic Club
Where did you grow up?
I was born and raised in Melbourne, Australia.
How did you get involved with squash?
My mother introduced me to squash when I was five. I...
SPA-tlight: Cliff Wenn
Cliff Wenn, Head Pro at Maugua Club, Wellesley (MA)
Squash Magazine: Where did you grow up?
Cliff Wenn: I grew up in Calcutta, India, and lived there for 6-½ years, then moving to Singapore where my...
SPA-tlight: Scott Denne
Scott Denne spent the summer in Arizona working as a pro in a private residence. Starting in October, he will be the new Head Squash Professional at the Kiva Club in Santa Fe (New...
SPA-tlight: Don Murphy
Don Murphy, Head Professional at Life Time Fitness (Austin, TX)
SM: Who first taught you the game?
DM: I started playing in 1964 at 11 years of age. My first and only coach was Andy Leung...
SPA-tlight: Connie Barnes
How did you get started playing squash?
When I was 11, I had a tennis lesson. The coach told me that I had without question the worst hand-eye coordination she had ever seen. She suggested...
SPA-tlight: Bryan Patterson
Bryan Patterson, Director of Squash, CitySquash
Where and when did you start playing squash?
I started playing when I went to Barnard Castle School, in County Durham, England, in 1957 at the age of 12. Just...
SPA-tlight: Nathan Dugan
Squash Magazine, as part of a monthly feature, will talk to a member of the Squash Professionals Affiliate Program. Nathan Dugan, the Head professional at the Cleveland Racquet Club in Cleveland (OH), took some...