Letters May 2007
Symington Said
In John O’Brien’s letter (page 4, April edition), quoted again in Rod Symington’s column (page 16, also April edition,) it was noted “...Though his opponent noticed (that his opponent had removed his protective...
Letters April 2007
Indian Summer
The Indian Summer Tournament, held November 8-12, 2006, had 85 participants, with 105 matches played, making it Minnesota’s largest tournament in 2006. For the second year in a row, a strong team of...
Letters March 2007
Thank you for your article helping to clarify the Bleeding Rule. As a physician/parent of young squash competitors, I find the rule neither “draconian” nor “an over-reaction to the AIDS scare 15...
Letters February 2007
For years I have been reading Will’s World in Squash Magazine and always find interesting material there. Upon reading the latest article about multiple winners of national titles (Streaks Begin and End), I was...