From US Squash Why Change?

By Kevin Klipstein In the 1998 Nora Ephron film You’ve Got Mail, change is everywhere as Joe Fox (played by Tom Hanks) of “Fox Books” opens...

From US Squash Olympic Efforts

By Kevin Klipstein Since the International Olympic Committee (IOC) vote on the 2012 Olympic Program during the summer of 2005, little has been heard or...

From US Squash Mapping our Future

By Jeannie Blasberg Let me start with an overview of what we have accomplished in the last year and a half. We’ve hired and empowered...

From US Squash Teaming Up

By Jeannie Blasberg Sixty-six high school teams. That’s well over 500 junior squash players. Easily the largest gathering of US juniors ever. Four years after...

Behavior at US Squash Sanctioned Tournaments

Dear Players, Coaches, Families and Spectators, Please ensure you are fully aware that US Squash has detailed guidelines for sportsmanship and conduct for Players, Coaches,...

From US Squash Where Are The Women?

By Jeannie Blasberg This question nags at me. It appears that most women drop out of the ranks of competitive squash at a greater rate...