A Look Back June 2017
Fifteen Years Ago in Squash Magazine June/July 2002
Martin Bronstein reported on the 2002 British Open winner and favorite cover subject Sarah Fitz-Gerald. At the age of thirty-three, Fitz-Gerald romped to victory without losing a...
Team USA Sends Message After Record 2017 British Junior Open
By Chris McClintick
It was one of the biggest upsets in the long history of the British Junior Open. In January America’s Andrew Douglas, who two years ago placed twenty-second in the U17 division, upset...
Will’s World: White Elephant
by Will Carlin
In 624 BC, Nepal was called Lumbini. The king of one of Lumbini’s tribes was a warrior named Suddhodana. Known as the “King of Law,” Suddhodana reigned according to the rule of...
How to Improve: Performance Versus Outcome
by Richard Millman
Whether you are a parent, a coach or a player, chances are you are focused on improvement. If this is the case, I have some simple advice for you. But beware—simple never...
Hey Ref: Underwater Basket Weaving
by Barry Faguy
HEY REF I was told that when I’m officiating, I shouldn’t ask questions of the players. Is that right?
Nope; in fact, it’s quite the opposite. The rules make specific reference to the...
New Year’s Resolutions
by Candace Chemtob
“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.” —Andrew Carnegie
It’s been a month since New Year’s Day, but let’s pause...
Facing a Fear of Failure
By Amy Gross, Peak Performance & Mental Coach
Babe Ruth said, “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” Successful people experience failure, but what sets them apart is their...