Squash Racquets for Children
by Pierre Bastien
One of the squash equipment questions I get most often is some variation of, “Which squash racquet should I buy for my child?”
Honestly, this question has always stumped me. When I review...
The Difference Between “Building” and “Forcing”
by Richard Millman
Squash enjoys the patronage of people of all ages, skill levels, genders, nationalities and, to some degree, a broad range of the physical and mental spectrum of human beings.
No matter what group...
Understanding Carbs: Maximizing Performance
by Candace H. Chemtob, MS, RD, LD, CSSD
As discussed in last month’s article, carbohydrates are the preferred fuel of high intensity sports. Popular fad diets, such as Paleo, Grain Brain, or gluten free diets,...
It’s Not a Stretch
by Jeremy Mayer, US Squash National Team Sports Physiologist
Stretching is a term that most people associate with gym class or playing sports as a kid. As a group you would hold, count to ten...
Hey Ref: An “Official” Q & A
by Barry Faguy
HEY REF! Sometimes I get stuck reffing a match with seemingly endless calls. Is there any way to cut down those numbers?
That’s a very topical question, and this longer-than-average answer is far...
Single Leg Strength Training for Squash – Part III
by Damon Leedale-Brown, Sports Scientist & Conditioning Specialist
In the previous article we looked at two exercises that provide a great starting point for single leg strength training – the split squat, and the one...
Breaking Through the Levels: Age Groups
by Dominic Hughes, Owner of Berwyn Squash & Fitness and Ten-Time National Singles Champion
35+: Two Championships: At this age I was naturally fit and didn’t really train that hard, instead relying on my ability....
The Importance of Player Contracts for Parents and Juniors
by Mitchell Greene, Ph.D., Sport Psychologist
The biggest change in my sport psychology practice from ten years ago to now is the number of requests I receive to work with squash players twelve and younger....
What it Means to Turn the Page on the Season
by Kevin Klipstein
My kids love the Sesame St. book called “Please Do Not Open This Book” which involves Grover and Elmo fighting over whether to turn pages to get to the end of the...
Two For the Ages
by Bill Buckingham
Not only does seventy-four-year-old Jay Nelson clearly recall winning his first championship in any sport—the 1954 little league title in Saugus, MA, as a second baseman and pitcher—he also remembers many of...