Thirty Years On: The History of Eye Protection in the U.S.
By James Zug
Photos by Steve Line/
It happened in a challenge match. Jose and I were both seniors, the two captains of the team, battling it out on a dark, winter night in New Hampshire...
Local Call: Secure Your Stuff
Let’s take this time to clarify a common misconception in the game at all levels. Many players aren’t aware that if they drop an accessory—their eyewear or anything other than their racquet—that they automatically...
The Trampoline Effect and String Tension Strategy
By Steve Crandall, Vice President, Sales & Marketing Ashaway Racket Strings
Rod Gilmour made some very interesting points about string tension in his latest "String Matters" column in the UK's Squash Player magazine (SP Volume 41, 2013,...
From US Squash
By Kevin D. Klipstein, President & Chief Executive Officer
The start of a typical Wednesday night league match for me sounds like this after the warm-up:
Me: “Do you have your eye guards? In case I...
Deceleration – The Art of Slowing Down, Part 2
By Damon Leedale-Brown, Sports Scientist & Conditioning Specialist
Following on from last month, let’s consider some training concepts designed to help improve a player’s ability to decelerate and control speed more effectively on the squash court.
Your Serve February 2014
Great job on revamping Squash Magazine. Loved Kevin Klipstein's story on his Cornell experience. We had even less comfort. When we played the Naval Academy in 1957, five of us drove from Ithaca to Annapolis in my...
A Look Back February 2014
Fifteen Years Ago in Squash Magazine
February 1999
Amy Gross won the U.S. Junior Open U16 (it was then the U.S. Junior Olympics) and went on to Yale, where she led the Bulldogs to three consecutive national championships, including as captain her senior year....