Searching for Apps

Screen Shot 2014-11-07 at 3.57.06 PMNow that everyone (okay, maybe not everyone) has an iPhone, and the iTunes App Store celebrated its first anniversary in July, isn’t it time the sport of squash got in the game? Yes, “There’s an App for that!” In fact, there are a few.

In just 12 months, Apple’s App Store has grown to over 58,000 apps and more than 1.5 billion downloads. Squash apps may not yet be featured in iPhone commercials, or even listed as “Hot’ or “Staff Favorites,” but we did find a few that fanatics might want to boast about. No, we have not play-tested them, but we’re working on it.

Screen Shot 2014-11-07 at 3.57.19 PMGames
Three game apps we found are IndoorSquash, TouchSquash and, what else, iSquash. Of the three, only IndoorSquash is free.

The most compelling app for squash that we found is SquashLet, though if you’re planning to use it during a match, you might want to find somebody else to be your referee. Yes, SquashLet is designed to help you decide of you should play a Let or a Stroke. The rules of squash are also available in the app, at least that’s the claim. We found this app at press time so haven’t been able to dig through it completely yet. But we will and will file a report on its usefulness soon.

So check them out. And while you’re at it, maybe there should be an app for College Squash. Or Junior Squash. Or…

Too much? When swimming in a sea of billions of downloads, why not think big?!