Squash In Vogue?

DS Mens Vogue Cover 11.3Okay squash fans, who says the sport hasn’t reached the mainstream? Does Men’s Vogue magazine count? If so, get your hands on the Dec/Jan 2008 edition where you’ll find a mini-feature on Egypt’s two hottest stars, World No. 1 Amr Shabana, and No. 2 Ramy Ashour. The article even made it into the Table of Contents.

Don’t worry, the magazine did manage to put some formal white duds on the two phenoms, and if you want to go out and buy your own, they’ll even tell you what it is. While it won’t necessarily tell you anything you don’t already know, the article does a nice job of explaining how the sport has been changing over the past ten years, and it acknowledges that the cardiovascular demands are superior to, ahem, tennis and swimming. We’d have thrown in cycling and running, but they didn’t ask us.