String Quiz Challenge of the Decade

By Steve Crandall, Vice President, Sales & Marketing Ashaway Racket Strings

It has been 10 years—January 2001—since our last Racquet String Quiz ran in Squash Magazine. While many of the basics haven’t changed, there have been a number of important developments in squash string since then. So I thought it would be a good time to publish an updated quiz. A few questions have been included from the 2001 quiz, but overall, this quiz is a bit harder: I figure, after an additional decade of reading this column, you all ought to be experts by now!

To take this “Challenge of the Decade” quiz and impress all with your squash string knowledge, either fill out the quiz form on our website (, print the form (or fill out this magazine page) and fax it to me at 401-377-9091. You can also scan the page and email it as an attachment to

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