SPA-tlight: Richard Millman

This season, U.S. SQUASH introduced the Squash Professionals Affiliate Program (SPA). With this program, U.S. SQUASH will offer personal liability insurance coverage to qualified squash professionals for coaching, access to a pre-screened, preferred network of health insurance providers, financial incentives for membership based on the number of members per court, discounted sanctioning fees, use of U.S. SQUASH for online entry offering discounts for players, waived sanctioning fees for U.S. SQUASH League and Ladder programs, free admission to the U.S. SQUASH Professional Development Conference (formerly “Coaching Conference”), the opportunity to sell U.S. SQUASH merchandise and co-brand in pro shops, and access to the U.S. SQUASH “Job Network” and “Professional Practices,” an online collection of best practices for coaches and pros, and regional professional mentoring, and support and advocacy for professional development at clubs.

Squash Magazine, as part of a monthly feature, will talk to a member of the program and get their take on the state of squash in the US. Richard Millman, currently the Director of Squash at the Kiawah Island Club, in Charleston, S.C., took some time off to answer a few questions from Squash Magazine.

Richard Millman
Richard Millman

When did you start teaching squash?
In 1977 at the Hunter Squash club in England.

Where did you get your start in squash?
I started playing at the Gresham school in Nortfolk, England, playing for Malcom Willstrop. I played No. 5. Every one of my teammates from that squad eventually became the No. 1 ranked junior in England, including former PSA President Gawain Briars.

Tell us why you think supporting U.S. SQUASH and programs such as SPA are important to you?
As a country, squash has never been cohesive, but support of the NGB is essential if we are to move this sport forward in the US. We are a small and very far flung group, so supporting a programs such as SPA is a way to bring everyone together. I feel regional and district programs are a key to the growth of the game. A better conference structure is also very important so we are not reinventing the wheel.

What equipment do you currently use?

If you had to name one current teaching pro you admire in the US., who would it be?
There are so many. For a builder of an organization, Paul Assaiante; for a Champion of the sport, Dave Talbott; but for a pure teaching club pro I would have to say Richard Elliott.

For more information about the Squash Professional’s Affiliate program, visit: