Back in May we told you about the devastation to Richard Millman’s Westchester Squash Club caused by the torrential rain on April 15. At the time, Millman’s greatest fear was whether he and his wife, Pat, would be able to recover from it and get Westchester up and running again.
But recover they did, though the cost was enormous. “Our total cost to reopen was in the range of $150,000,” said Richard. “The physical damage was upwards of $70,000 alone.” With the help of a small rider on their insurance policy and a business-saving low interest loan from the Small Business Administration, the Millmans have managed to install new, sprung maple floors, all new furniture and refurbished locker rooms with cubicles instead of the old metal variety.
To top it off, Westchester also brought in new fitness equipment, and they now have Seth Forman, formerly a strength and conditioning coach at The Nick Bollettieri Tennis Academy in Bradenton, FL. “Seth is going to be running his strength and conditioning business out of Westchester Squash,” said Richard. “And not just for squash players. He’s made himself a tremendous reputation as a private coach for all of the top athletes at Brunswick Academy in Greenwich. Seth has a wonderful rapport with these kids, and hopefully he’ll be able to attract some to come and play squash too.”
Though Westchester used to have about 175 members, the Millmans are building that base back up from about 150 now. “I want to stress that a number of my members were instrumental in our ability to survive,” Richard added. “From putting up money for building when we didn’t have any to draw from, to making offers of loans. The members have been fantastic. I’m really grateful for them.”