Slingshot Mechanics: Movement seamlessly powers shot production
By Richard Millman, Owner - The Squash Doctor Corporation
The way that Squash is frequently learned is to first strike the ball. Unfortunately this tends to lead to a mechanically inefficient method of power transfer that, for some players, results...
The Pattern of your Swing: Do you use a Linear or a Radial Stroke?...
By Richard Millman, Owner - The Squash Doctor Corporation
Most of us, when we first learn the technique of hitting the ball, are happy just to be connecting. But as we move forward in the game,...
Head Turn Progressions
By Richard Millman
Picking up where we left off last month, you’ll recall that “a deep understanding of how to create a ninety-degree angle between the racquet and the direction that you wish the ball...
Serves—Standard and Variation: What are your Options?
By Richard Millman, Owner - The Squash Doctor Corporation
As we have often heard, the serve is the one time in a game when we have absolute control over how and when to hit the ball....
Balancing Court Fitness & Body Health – Part 1
By Damon Leedale-Brown, Sports Scientist & Conditioning Specialist
Hopefully this article will be read by players of all ages, some with aspirations to further improve their playing level, and others with the goal of simply trying to...
Bisecting the Angles of Opportunity
By Richard Millman
When it comes to strategic positioning on the court, the key factor is to develop your confidence at the same time as keeping your guard up.
This much-misunderstood subject is very accessible once...
Boast Mechanics
By Richard Millman, Owner—Westchester Squash
Last month, we introduced the fundamental mechanics and some of the most common boasts in squash. This month we will look at some more advanced boasting, but each has their...
Drop Shot Mechanics: Who Says there’s No Spin in Squash?
By Richard Millman, Director of Squash, Kiawah Island Club
Let me first qualify my title this month by saying that the words “who says there’s no spin in Squash?’”—should read “who says there’s no spin...
Developing Assets: The Mechanics of Skill
By Richard Millman, Director of Squash, Kiawah Island Club
One of the most enjoyable aspects of the Nationals (now known as the US Masters) is the camaraderie and lively discussions that ensue as all of...
Straight Drop from the back corner
By Richard Millman, Director of Squash, Kiawah Island Club
Still much misunderstood by the rank and file club squash player, this is probably the most useful shot when you are in serious trouble in back...