Youth Surge: 15-year-old Sabrina Sobhy and 16-year-old Dylan Murray claim top honors at 2012...
By Dent Wilkins
The top echelon of junior tournament players is a frequently shifting landscape; players who were once dominant fall back into the pack, new stars emerge, and others continue their reign as the...
Silver and Bronze Championships 2012
Over 280 players traveled to Williamstown (MA) to decide the 2012 U.S Junior Silver Squash Championships, hosted for a third straight year by Williams College. The tournament was held in conjunction with the Berkshire...
Strength Training for Juniors
By Damon Leedale-Brown, Sports Scientist & Conditioning Specialist
A topic raising regular concerns and uncertainties for parents of young athletes is weight training. I am often approached by parents with questions or statements along the...
U.S. Juniors Roll in Ontario/American Challenge
A team of 24 United States juniors traveled to White Oaks, Niagra-on-the-lake, Ontario, in August to face-off against Ontario juniors in the Ontario-American Challenge. The U.S. commanded the tournament winning their fourth straight Ont-Am...
American Junior Girls Repeat Silver Performance
By Chris McClintick
The Hasta La Vista Squash Club was constructed in Wroclow, Poland, with eighteen international courts, including two all-glass surrounded by stadium seating, with one goal in mind: to host the most spectacular...
From Urban Squash to the IOC
By Alexandra Boillot, director of placement at CitySquash
In early September, while most high school seniors were getting ready to make their case to college admissions officers, Andreina Benedith was on her way to Buenos...
2014 High School Team Squash Championships Move to Philadelphia
After the cancellation of the 2013 High School Team Squash Championships in New Haven, CT, due to the winter storm known as Nemo, over 165 squash teams around the country have their eyes set...
Strength Training and the Young Athlete – Part II
By Damon Leedale-Brown, Sports Scientist & Conditioning Specialist
Continuing on from last issue’s theme of strength training and the young athlete, let’s consider common questions including: what age to start; how much should they do...
U.S. Squash Scholar Athlete Award
US SQUASH officially announced the recipients of the 2012-2013 US Squash Scholar Athlete Awards, given to high school student athletes who achieved a Grade Point Average of 3.5 in school and participated in at...
Elias and Sobhy Rise to the Top
By Jay Prince
He picked up a squash racquet at the age of six after first playing tennis for a few years. He became hooked to the point of being determined to master his forehand...