Are you “D-ficient”*?

By Candace Chemtob, B.S. and M.S. in Human Nutrition Vitamin D is a hot topic these days. For decades our knowledge of vitamin D was limited. Mistakenly, many health professionals believed that the function of...

Developing a Training Plan: What Should I Do? – Step 2

By Damon Leedale-Brown, Sports Scientist & Conditioning Specialist In the last issue we discussed using reflections from the season just finished, combined with detailed profiling, to help establish a series of well thought through training...

The Schoolgirl who could Depose a Legend

By Richard Eaton Photos by Steve Line/ The next new world number one has announced herself. She will get to the top within three years. In doing so she will depose the highest profile woman the...

National Teams Update

By Paul Assaiante, National Coach In life the pursuit of goals is a bit like building a railroad track. You must first come up with your destination, and this is the plan or the “dream”...

Will’s World The Moniker

By Will Carlin Summer is here. I don’t know about you, but for me summer is that sunny, warm time of the year when just as I lie down in bed, my thoughts regularly return...